Getting Started

Here are the steps you need to follow to get started as an Enoch Bot Developer!

  1. Join the Enoch Developers Discord server. If you need the invite link, ask anyone with the Enoch Bot Developer role on Discord in any C4T Discord server.

  2. Send Rebecca your Github username so I can invite you as a collaborator on the repo, which is It is a private repo because it contains sensitive info. DO NOT make the repo public.

  3. Once you have been added as a collaborator, clone the repo by entering this into your terminal: git clone

    1. Make sure you have installed Git before doing this step, otherwise the command git clone will not work.

  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt in the root project directory to install all required dependencies (make sure you're using the Python 3 version of pip as well) on your terminal.

  5. Use your editor/IDE to create a file called .env in the root project directory and then ask another developer to send you the contents of the .env file. You should copy and paste the contents into your own file.

    1. Note that these tokens CANNOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, be made public, uploaded to the cloud, etc.

    2. DO NOT push the bot tokens to GitHub FOR ANY REASON.

    3. DO NOT put the bot tokens anywhere in the project files except in the .env file. The .env file is ignored by Git.

  6. Use your editor to create a file called credentials.json in the ./data directory (. represents root project directory) and then ask another developer to send you the contents of the credentials.json file.


  7. Try running the dev bot (Enoch Dev) once you've finished the steps above by doing the following in your terminal in the root project directory: python3

    1. Enter y when it asks if you are running the dev bot

    2. Wait for it to say bot ready! (takes like 5 seconds)

    3. Run any command you want. The dev bot is identical to the regular bot because they use the same code, it's just that we use a different bot token (remember step 4?) so when you run the code it applies to a different bot

      1. If the dev bot isn't working, ask another developer for help.

    4. Enter Ctrl + C to stop running the bot once you're done testing. All testing/feature development must be done on the dev bot since the actual bot needs to be running continuously.

  8. Turn on Developer Mode on Discord by going to User Settings > Appearance > Advanced > Developer Mode

    1. This will allow you to do developer-related things. For example, if you right click a user or server you can copy the user ID or guild ID ("guild" is the word for "server" in the discord API).

    2. Copy your user ID and send it to the #developers channel on the Enoch Bot Developers Discord server so you can be added as a bot owner.

  9. Request for your name and GitHub username to be added to the Enoch Bot documentation (this website) by sending a message to the #developers channel.

Last updated

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